Holiday crazy is in high gear around here, so to keep things simple I’m doing a 5-minute fudge with only five ingredients today. You are gonna love this recipe. Wait till you see it, it’s highly adaptable and great for gift giving.
And in the throes of all this madness, crazy tiredness from running from one job to the next, one task to the next, one kid to another, Matt and I have just started watching Breaking Bad—oh. my. gawd!
We just finished Season 1 and have 4 to go. This, my friends—of all things—is keeping me up at night. Talking about dilating the holiday fatigue. Of course now, my BIL is trying to convince me we need to do the Walking Dead next. Ugh. I’m sure we will succumb and probably be zombified ourselves from doing so.
But until then, we are pushing through holiday-crazy, Breaking Bad, utter madness—and loving every minute of it. Hit the jump here to Better Homes and Gardens blog Delish Dish for the recipe.
5 ingredients is just what I need at the moment – love the marbling!
Best use ever of 5 ingredients!
So beautiful, Naomi! I love that it’s so easy too!!
That fudge looks amazing! Love the flecks of red!
Seriously, when is your book coming out? You need one!