Bourbon Peaches and Cream Popsicles ~ ‘Tis the season for popsicles. I’m on a major recipe run with them and I had to share this one because I’ve discovered that you can indeed freeze alcohol!
Holy mama – you know I will be going crazy with the idea of making cocktail popsicles! So yeah, expect to see more fun cocktails coming in the near future – very near, like next-week near. And if you have a cocktail you want to see turned into a popsicle let me know in the comments section.
I’ve enlisted my dear friend Cynthia to help with the mixing. She’s my cocktail expert and has a liquor cabinet to rival any upscale bar. She’s been kind enough to let me pilfer her bourbon and a few other select bottles for my cocktail popsicle run. We had a good laugh talking about how I would explain my box of half filled jam jars of liquor in my trunk if I got pulled over. Honest, officer, it’s for a baking blog (as he’s handcuffing me.)
That said, now is a good time to tell you, starting next week and up until around Labor Day I will be featuring a new cocktail popsicle every Wednesday. I figure Hump Day is a good day to roll out a refreshing and relaxing treat that you can plan on for the weekend.
As for the peaches, I got those from my friend and co-worker Hang. Check out how tiny they are – I love them! They are just a little larger than an apricot and as deliciously sweet as can be. And that tree! It’s massive and so gorgeous (photo credit to her.)
Cheers to all my friends who generously helped me put this great recipe together!
Hit the jump on over to Endless Simmer where I am a regular contributor (slacking as of late) for the recipe on these Bourbon Peaches and Cream Popsicles, along with a few tips and tricks if peaches are not in season yet where you live.
Wow. Nice idea, I think this can be pretty refreshing and fun for summer parties.
I would definitely go for White Russian. In case you don’t know White Russian over there where you live (I heard that it didn’t exist in Italy, for example..), it’s Vodka with Milk OR Cream and a shot of Kahlúa. And it’s a wonderful drink that I would love to taste when turned into a popsicle 😉
Oh my! these look so good. My dad grows mangoes and avocados but peaches don’t grow here. I want a peach tree!
Betty-Yes, I’ve had one. They are quite tasty! Great idea and stay tuned because that is definitely going on the list!
Man, these look SO good! What a wonderful idea coming up with cocktail popsicles. Perfect for summer.
Hump day cocktails sound like a wonderful idea! My favourite cocktails are Mojito’s and French Martini’s so I’d love to see something along those lines.
I love it! It’s cute, beautiful and it looks great!
I love the combination of peaches and cream….but throw in bourbon and you have a sure winner! Love it and they’re so cute and perfect for summer!
You can bet your butt I’m heading over there right now for this recipe! Holy moly do these look fantastic!
these look yummy!!
make a mojito please! mmmm….I have a hearty plant of apple mint that I need a good cocktail popsicle for!
GREAT idea! I have to try this recipe! I don’t know if you’re done with the bourbon now but, if not, what about a Mint Julep popsicle? It’s horse racing season right now and Mint Juleps are all the rage at the events!
I love anything peaches and these popsicles are just perfect! Lovely!
These look adorable! Love how you’ve photographed them on top of the peaches!
Just amazing + so very beautiful!
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