Appletini Cupcakes ~ Yes, you read that right-cocktail cupcakes! The only thing better than a Friday cocktail is one between a cake crumb, preferably a cupcake, and stacked with some Swiss buttercream that has been churned with a fully shaken Appletini.
Alright, if I didn’t have you at Appletini, you can of course keep this a straight up vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting. Just please, keep the cherry on top and the crystal sugar rimming, for no other reason than cute food makes people smile . . . Really, have you ever seen a frowning face after a maraschino cherry?
This is a simple cupcake dressed up for some adult fun and dressed up for Bakers Royale’s 1 year blog-a-versary celebration!!
I’m not going to bore you with any re-hashes of the pass year, or what I’ve learned, or what I will and won’t do this year. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has ever read a sentence or spent one second on this blog. You guys are the best!
I’m trying to keep this short since I have some celebrating to do with the hubs. But I have to give him a big, big, BIG thanks for being so supportive, especially during the first six months, when I was finding my way and everyday look like a kitchen explosion from baking gone crazy.
I wish I could give each of you one of these in person, but since I can’t, here’s how you can create them in your home. Enjoy!
Appletini Cupcakes
Makes approximately 16-18 cupcakes.
- Click here for my Vanilla cupcake recipe.
- Click here for the Swiss Buttercream recipe I used from Martha Stewart.
- Click here for the Appletini recipe I used.
To Assemble:
- Make the 3 Appletini servings, combining two and keeping one separate; set aside. Add 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar to the one separate serving and whisk to combine to create an Appletini Glaze; set aside.
- Bake the cupcakes and let cool. Using a skewer, poke holes in the cupcake from the top to create small wells. Brush cupcakes with Appletini glaze.
- Make the frosting as written by Martha and then add in the two combined Appletini servings at the end and mix for about another 2-3 minutes until combined and smooth.
- Pipe and rim frosting with crystal sugar. Finish with a maraschino cherry on top.
A few notes:
- The cupcakes can be made and glazed a day in advance and kept tightly wrapped at room temperature.
- The Swiss buttercream can be made in 3 days in advance. If you do make it advance, do not add the Appletini until the day of and make sure to bring the buttercream to room temperature before adding it. Once added, use the paddle attachment on a stand mixer and beat buttercream to smoothness once more.
- Especially important, this recipe from Martha Stewart calls for 2lbs (not one) of butter, that’s eight sticks. Don’t make the same mistake I did by not carefully reading the recipe and only using 1lb of butter, unless you want a very runny Swiss buttercream that isn’t thick enough to frost anything.
Happy first anniversary!
Love this idea! Cocktails and cupcakes are my 2 fav things! 😉
These are sooooo darling and sound amazing in taste, too. What a great cupcake creation!
Congratulations on your first year!
These cupcakes are too cute. My best friend’s favorite drink is an Appletini (because of Scrubs). She’d go nuts if I made these!
That photo is amazing! I feel like I could just reach into the computer and grab it. Then eat every last bite. Mmmm!
Happy 1 year Blogiversary Naomi! How exciting. Your cupcakes are adorable, and you’re right maraschino cherries always puts a smile on my face 🙂
Congratulations on your blogiversary!! You’ve come a long ways in such a short time!!
As always, your cupcakes look AMAZING!!
Happy Friday, chickie!!
Brilliant!!! How do you think of these amazing creations??? And SO beautiful!! Well done girl!
This is just so much fun! And absolutely gorgeous! Happy, Happy Anniversary – have fun celebrating!
Happy Anniversary! Love this idea, Naomi. I’d love one for breakfast. It is Friday after all, right? 🙂
These are so cute! And I’ve never made swiss buttercream before. I’ll have to give that one a try. Sounds yummy!
I want to frame and hang that photo Naomi!
We love appletini’s…can’t wait to try these
Congratulations! I never knew our blogoversaries were so close (mine is Feb 8, 2010). Way to celebrate in style.
Wow, love these, Naomi! Beautiful photo as well (and as always!). Happy Anniversary! xo
Happy happy anniversary, to your beautiful blog!!!
I can’t wait to make these. I plan on using the appletini recipe you have provided but I have a question. What measurement did you use as “part”? Was each “part” one ounce? Or a different measurement? Thanks!
I’m totally in love with these! And happy blogoversary!! 🙂
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY sweets! How exciting!
I am going bonkers over these cupcakes! And those polka dot papers *stop it* I’m in love!
Hope that you have a lovely day too!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! The cupcakes are beautiful and your blog has been such a joy to read! Keep up the great work and we’ll have to get together soon to celebrate! Take care!
That is a truly beautiful photo! I may have to try these.
These are super fabulous and a great was to toast your blog-a-versary!
These are just gorgeous, Naomi. Happy Anniversary!
Those are so cute—and exactly what I would think appletini cupcakes should look like.
Almost too pretty to eat. But trust me as good as these sound that sentiment wouldn’t last long in their presence.
Happy 1st Anniversary!
Love the appletini cupcakes, want to have some right now. 😉
Thanks for sharing the recipe! 😀
Happy anniversary! This is the perfect way to celebrate. Looking forward to another year of your delicious blog posts.
Happy blogoversary. Love the cupcake flavor. They look beautiful.
Congrats on your blog birthday! These are stunning! I love the cherry and sanding sugar…so very pretty!
Stumbled in from Foodgawker! Great picture! For some reason, I’m getting both “refreshing” and “wintery” from it! Anyways, looks good enough to lick the screen 🙂
Happy blog birthday!!! These are such sweet cupcakes to celebrate with. Keep up the great work girl. Love everything about your blog 🙂
Happy, happy blogiversary!!! GORGEOUS cupcakes!!!
super cute cocktail cupcakes! They sound delicious. Look AMAZING, and are making my sweet tooth hungry.
These are adorable! Can you taste the vodka in the icing?
Oh gosh, these look great!!
Jess : )
Congratulations on your blog’s anniversary! I love the sugar rimmed cupcakes-cute idea!
These are so adorable! I just love how you “rimmed” the cupcakes with sugar. Stunning!
That photo is crazy. It looks like its fake almost… and also like those cupcakes are amazingly delicious!
Not only are these cute, but they sound amazing. Never would have thought to make an Appletini into a cupcake!!!
They are so pretty! And fun!
HAHAHHA you had me at appletini! then you delivered with that amazing photo of them!! absolutely divine!
OMG, I DIE for that pic!!
So smart! I love it. Thanks for this recipe.